Category Archives: rudesyning

3.2 decorative towel

TYPE: decorative towel TECHNIQUE: square cut work, counted thread work, hvidsøm Decorative towel with square cut work and counted thread work. The decorative towel is interesting because it contains nascent ”Hvidsøm”, in which the needlewoman has not yet started to use entwined shapes. The patterns are plain and geometrical. The

3.1 shirt

TYPE: shirt TECHNIQUE: hvidsøm, square cut work Shirt with ”Hvidsøm” on the collar, shoulder and sleeves. The ”Hvidsøm” is sewn on a separate piece of fabric and afterwards attached to the shirt. There are small areas of square cut work and cross stitching. The cuffs are embroidered with fillings where

2.3 decorative towel

  TYPE: decorative towel TECHNIQUE: square cut work Decorative towel with square cut work. This is a perfect example of square cut work. The pattern is totally dominated by geometrical forms, different birds, and a tree of life in the form of a flower arrangement. The embroidery is divided into

2.2 decorative towel

TYPE: decorative towel TECHNIQUE: counted thread work, square cut work Decorative towel with counted thread work and square cut work. This is made of four equal pieces of fabric sewn together. A purchased fringe was added to the bottom piece. The top border has a pattern of three large squared

2.1 shirt

TYPE: shirt TECHNIQUE: square cut work Shirt with square cut work on collar, cuffs, and shoulders. The shoulder pattern is sewn on a finer fabric than that of the shirt. There are no patterns along the edge of the front opening, but there is a square cut work border along