7.4 plaited warp

7.4 trendfletning

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TYPE: plaited warp
TECHNIQUE: plaiting
Separate plaited warp with plaiting with four strands. Warps were, as the name suggests, plaited from the remaining warp threads after weaving had finished. In time it became usual to make plaited warps as separate pieces which were then attached in different ways to the bottom of decorative towels and ”knæduge”. Plaited warp is either made as open or solid plaits. This solid type of braided warp was very common in the Hedebo area.

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Please note
• Plaited warp is related to lace, since the same technique is used, only without the lace bobbins
• Separately made plaited warps may have been made by women who specialised in this technique
• How by combining different plait techniques, the needle made small openings which form the motifs
• The eight-pointed star is also used as a motif in plaited warp