1.2 decorative towel

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TYPE: decorative towel
TECHNIQUE: drawn thread work, plaited warp

Decorative towel with drawn thread work and plaited warp. The decorative towel is a perfect example of this style. It is made of a large piece of fabric with three borders, with a further two borders attached. The attached top border is identical to the third border. The motifs in the borders are typical, with horses facing each other, reindeers, birds, stars, and a tree of life. Between some of the borders you can see four-sided hemstitching. At the bottom there is an open plaited warp consisting of a plait of three strands. The plaited warp was made separately and attached later.

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Decorative towelDecorative towelDecorative towel



Please note

•    the pattern of the two narrow borders, consisting of alternating squares and stars, is directly borrowed from counted thread work
•    the border at the bottom contains the only variation in  the decorative towel’s borders by having bars of threads in its trees
•    the plaited warp is made separately even though the same quality  fabric is used
•    the small marks and holes in the fabric under the top border caused by the removal of a monogram